On saturday we are meeting at the scout base.
We are going to play sports games so you need another t-shirt in the bag.
You musn't come with the polo shirt, better come with the red t-shirt.
Adventure's book is mandatory. We are meeting at 11a.m. to the 1:30 p.m.
See you on saturday.
2 comentarios :
Gonzalo, "Saturday" se escribe con mayúscula.
"You musn't come with the polo shirt, better come with the red t-shirt",sería más correcto así:"You shouldn't wear the polo shirt, it would be better to wear the red shirt".
"We are meeting at 11a.m. to the 1:30 p.m.",sería más correcto así:"We're meeting from 11 am to 1:30 pm"
+1 para águilas ya que las otras dos son "mejoras", no correcciones.
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